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1. Executive Summary. A summary of findings and conclusions of the Fire Impact Fee Facilities Plan/Impact Fee Analysis and the Police Impact Fee Facilities Plan/Impact Fee Analysis that is designed to be understood by a lay person, is included in Exhibits “A” and “B” and demonstrates the need for impact fees to be charged. A copy of the Executive Summary is included in Fire Impact Fee Facilities Plan/Impact Fee Analysis and the Police Impact Fee Facilities Plan/Impact Fee Analysis and has been available for public inspection at least ten (10) days prior to the adoption of this Ordinance at the City offices and on the City’s public website as required by §11-36a-504 of the Utah Code.

2. Written Analysis. The City has prepared the Fire Impact Fee Facilities Plan/Impact Fee Analysis and the Police Impact Fee Facilities Plan/Impact Fee Analysis Fees that identifies the impact upon the public safety system required by the development activity and demonstrates how those impacts on system improvements are reasonably related to the development activity, estimates the proportionate share of the costs of impacts on system improvements that are reasonably related to the development activity and identifies how the impact fees are calculated. A copy of these plans and analyses have been made available for public inspection ten (10) days prior to the adoption of this Ordinance both at the City offices and on the City’s public website.

3. Proportionate Share Analysis. Part and parcel to the written study, the City prepared a Proportionate Share Analysis analyzing whether or not the proportionate share of the costs of public facilities identified in the Impact Fee Facilities Plans are reasonably related to new development activity. The Proportionate Share Analysis identified the costs of existing public facilities, the manner of financing existing public facilities, the relative extent to which new development will contribute to the cost of existing facilities and the extent to which new development is entitled to a credit for payment towards the costs of new facilities from general taxation or other means apart from user charges in other parts of the City. A copy of the Proportionate Share Analysis is included in the Impact Fees Analysis and has been available for public inspection 10 days prior to the adoption of this Ordinance both at the City offices and on the City’s public website.

4. Continuing Availability of Written Analyses. Pursuant to 11-36a-504, the Executive Summary, Written Analysis, and proportionate Share Analysis shall be posted and maintained on the City’s website found at